Conscious Culture Publishing
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Telling the Stories.
That Aren't Being Told.

Founded by Award Winning illustrator, Marlon McKenney, Conscious Culture Publishing is a leading creator in African historical fiction and diverse mutli-cultural content. Leveraging 3D technology, CCP creates highly-detailed illustrations and animations that bring African histories, mythologies, and legends to life.

African Historical Fiction

It’s important for children to learn about pre-colonial Africa and how it’s influence shaped world history. For Black children especially, it’s extremely necessary for them to learn about their ancestors and their role as the architects of civilization. Conscious Culture Publishing excavates these ancient fantastic and inspiring stories and updates them for the world to enjoy.


Support Black Business

The book industry has the power to shape culture but if the people working in publishing are not diverse, how can the creative voices of diverse authors and artists be heard? By supporting Conscious Culture Publishing and buying one of our books, you are proving to the industry that diverse books of all kinds deserve a place on the shelf.
